Japan Needs Help

I have no words for this, only tears can describe this.

When I first heard of about earthquake in Japan. I was half-asleep and thought I was simply still dreaming when Chuck told me about it. I fell back asleep while people in Japan was dealing with the worse to come. Later, I watched the news and youtube over what was going on and what had happened. My heart drop at first then I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. Feeling so helpless as all I could do is watch Hell on Earth

8.9 Magnitude Japan Earthquake, Tsunami Devastation and How To Help

.You can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 in support of the Japan earthquakes and pacific tsunami.
You can also give at the link below

10k Dead in Japan. Fears of nuclear meltdowns

Please, Help. Even if it's simply just asking people to donate a little, sending links and praying for everyone there. Every little that we can do, can help. Tears can not bring back the ones that are gone but we can still help them see the raising sun again.


Copyright © Sweet Kawaii, Chuck Gaffney and BT - Anime Music.