So, the other day I found quite an interesting manga called Mo
Hitori No Marionette. Now, at first my thoughts were “Oh, lord it’s just like Glass
Mask!” and it does start out with the same feeling of Glass Mask. The artwork
is even similar to it but I promised you there’s a differences in it as you
read on.
Yuki is another male character in the book that you can’t
help but like right away. He is like the big brother or a knight that is there
for all the characters. So, love that the male characters are strong and has
dark and an angelic side as well. Such a win for me!!!!
The main girl named Nanami, a high school girl that belongs
to the spotlight since the beginning in the manga. She’s start being a skillful
ballet that caught Jin’s eye right away. Sadly, Nanami’s father doesn’t see his
oldest daughter on stage and collapses on the way there and passes away soon
after being brought to the hospital. It isn’t explained to us what was wrong
with her father but surely I felt sorry for Nanami. I’m sure you can guess
things get more difficult for the main girl and doesn’t seem to catch a break
until the very end but you’ll just have see for yourself.
This manga was released 1991, so it’s a kind of old but hell
it’s got character! This very interesting
shoujo manga is done by Saitou Chiho.
Give this romance Shoujo a try; you might end up really liking it like